[N97] April 25 - 26, 2024: ICBAIT 2024. International Conference on Business and Artificial Intelligence Technologies (ICBAIT-24) in Berlin, Germany. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the paper "Explaining Artificial Neural Networks".
[N96] April 17 - 30, 2024: Assistant Professor Cristiano Premebida and the candidate for a Ph.D. João Jorge are visiting our team from the Institute of Systems and Robotics, Coimbra, Portugal.
[N95] April 15 - 18, 2024: TRA 2024. The Tenth Transport Research Arena Conference (TRA 2024), Dublin, Ireland. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the paper "Reducing Possible Harassment during Taxi Rides by Achieving Safety and Stability".
[N94] April 15 - 18, 2024: TRA 2024. The Tenth Transport Research Arena Conference (TRA 2024), Dublin, Ireland. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the abstract "Reducing Possible Harassment during Taxi Rides by Achieving Safety and Stability".
[N93] April 15 - 18, 2024: TRA 2024. The Tenth Transport Research Arena Conference (TRA 2024), Dublin, Ireland. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N92] March 1 - 31, 2024: JAIR 2024. Martin Aleksandrov is a reviewer for the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR).
[N91] February 21, 2024: DCAT 2024. Martin Aleksandrov receives a certificate for university didactics from The Dahlem Center of Academic Teaching, FU Berlin, Germany.
[N90] February 20 - 27, 2024: IAAI 2024. The Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-24), Vancouver, Canada. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N89] February 20 - 27, 2024: AAAI 2024. The Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24), Vancouver, British Columbia. Martin Aleksandrov is a senior member of the program committee.
[N87] February 1, 2024: IEEE. IEEE awarded Martin Aleksandrov with a Senior Member grade, the highest professional grade, based on his significant contributions to research and teaching in AI, computer science, social choice, and fleet management.
[N86] December 15 - 17, 2023: AICCC 2023. The 6th Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing Conference. Kyoto, Japan. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the technical program committee.
[N85] November 28 - December 1, 2023: AJCAI 2023. The 36th Australasian Joint Conference, AJCAI 2023, Brisbane, Australia. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the paper "Limiting Inequalities in Repeated House and Task Allocation".
[N84] November 17 - 19, 2023: PRICAI 2023. The 20th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Jakarta, Indonesia. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the technical program committee.
[N83] September 28, 2023: StuFo 2023. The 8th Nationwide Conference for Student Research. Hamburg, Germany. Venura Mudiyanselage and Martin Aleksandrov are the authors of the abstract "Investigating Demand Predictors for Microtransit Services: Insights from Public Transit Users in Berlin".
[N82] September 26 - 29, 2023: KI 2023. The 46th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Berlin, Germany. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N81] September 25, 2023: BUA 2023. The Berlin Conference for Student Research 2023. Berlin, Germany. Marvin Beese is the author of the abstract "Routing for Relief Efforts".
[N80] September 24 - 28, 2023: ITSC 2023. The 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITSC 2023. Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain. Tiago Barros, Luis Garrote, Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov, Cristiano Premebida, Urbano J. Nunes are the authors of the paper "TReR: A Lightweight Transformer Re-Ranking Approach for 3D LiDAR Place Recognition".
[N79] September 24 - 28, 2023: ITSC 2023. The 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITSC 2023. Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N78] September 22 - 24, 2023: AIPR 2023. 2023 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition. Xiamen, China. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N77] September 5 - 8, 2023: EPIA 2023. The 22nd Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Faial, Azores, Portugal. Martin Aleksandrov and Tobias Labarta are the authors of the paper "Safety, Stability, and Efficiency of Taxi Rides".
[N76] September 4 - 7, 2023: ECMR 2023. The 11th European Conference on Mobile Robots. Coimbra, Portugal. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N75] August 19 - 25, 2023: IJCAI 2023. The 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Cape Town, South Africa. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N74] July 17 - 21, 2023: WCTR 2023. The World Conference on Transport Research, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the paper "Fairness and Efficiency in Social Vehicle Routing Problems".
[N72] June 16 - July 16, 2023: the Ph.D. candidate Mathieu Lerouge is visiting our team from the research laboratory in Mathematics and Computer Science (MICS) at CentraleSupélec, Paris, France, a collaboration with Prof. Vincent Mousseau, Prof. Wassila Ouerdane, and Prof. Celine Gicquel.
[N70] June 4 - 7, 2023: IEEE IV 2023. The IEEE INTELLIGENT VEHICLES SYMPOSIUM (IV 2023). Anchorage, Alaska, USA. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N69] May 29 - June 2, 2023: AAMAS 2023. The 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. London, UK. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N67] March 27 - 29, 2023: AAAI 2023 Spring Symposium. The 35th Australasian Joint Conference, San Francisco, USA. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the paper "Limiting Inequalities in Fair Division with Additive Value Preferences for Indivisible Social Items".
[N65] February 7 - 14, 2023: AAAI 2023. The Thirty-Seventh Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Washington, DC, USA. Martin Aleksandrov is a senior member of the program committee.
[N64] February 7 - 14, 2023: AAAI 2023. The Thirty-Seventh Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Washington, DC, USA. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N63] February 7 - 14, 2023: IAAI 2023. The Thirty-Fifth Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Washington, DC, USA. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N62] January 18, 2023: A workshop on "Ethics of Social Vehicle Routing Applications", FU Berlin, TU Berlin, and University Bamberg. Martin Aleksandrov organizes the event (there were 20 participants).
[N61] January 13 - January 27, 2023: the Ph.D. candidate Tiago Barros is visiting our team from the Institute of Systems and Robotics, Coimbra, Portugal, a collaboration with Assistant Professor Cristiano Premebida.
[N60] December 19 - 21, 2022: GCAIoT 2022. IEEE Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things 2022. Alexandria, Egypt. Martin Aleksandrov and Khaled Alomari are the authors of the paper "Fuel Efficiency of Garbage Truck Navigation".
[N59] December 5 - 8, 2022: AJCAI 2022. The 35th Australasian Joint Conference, AJCAI 2022, Perth, WA, Australia. Martin Aleksandrov and Philip Kilby are the authors of the paper "Efficiency and Truthfulness in Dial-a-Ride Problems with Customer Location Preferences".
[N58] December 1, 2022: ASOR 2022. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the seminar talk "The agricultural spraying vehicle routing problem with splittable edge demands" by Qian Wan (CSIRO Data61).
[N57] November 30, 2022: IEEE Free Webinar Series. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the webinar "How to Solve the Problem of Innovation in Hybrid and Remote Work" as a member of IEEE and ITSS.
[N56] November 29, 2022: Campus Tour 2022. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the Campus Tour for new employees at FU Berlin.
[N55] November 28, 2022: Welcome Event 2022. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the Welcome Event for new employees at FU Berlin.
[N54] November 26 - December 4, 2022: NeurIPS 2022. Martin Aleksandrov receives an acknowledgment in the paper "Chaotic Dynamics are Intrinsic to Neural Network Training with SGD." written by Luis M. Herrmann, Maximilian Granz, and Tim Landgraf.
[N53] November 24, 2022: ASOR 2022. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the seminar talk "Value stacking of EV participation in the power energy system" by Canchen Jiang (Monash University).
[N51] November 17, 2022: IEEE Free Webinar Series. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the webinar "A New Era For Load Control: From Passive Response to Active Participation" as a member of IEEE and ITSS.
[N50] November 17, 2022: EINSTEIN LECTURE SERIES. Martin Aleksandrov attends the Einstein talk "Reasoning in Physics: The Bayesian Approach" by Prof. Stephan Hartmann (Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy).
[N49] November 17, 2022: ASOR 2022. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the seminar talk "Integrated modeling of extended agro-food supply chains: A systems approach" by Dr. Firouzeh Taghikhah (Univ. Sydney Business School).
[N48] November 14 - 17, 2022: TRA 2022. Transport Research Arena: the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility. Lisbon, Portugal. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the paper "Intelligent Household Waste Management: An Alternative Path to Climate-Neutral Europe".
[N47] November 14 - 17, 2022: TRA 2022. Transport Research Arena: the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility. Lisbon, Portugal. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the abstract "Intelligent Household Waste Management: An Alternative Path to Climate-Neutral Europe".
[N46] November 9 - 12, 2022: APORS 2022. The 13th Triennial International Conference of the Association of Asia Pacific Operational Research Societies. Martin Aleksandrov and Tobias Labarta are the authors of the abstract "Sexual Harassment Prevention in Taxi Allocations under Gender Preferences".
[N45] November 9 - 12, 2022: APORS 2022. The 13th Triennial International Conference of the Association of Asia Pacific Operational Research Societies. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the abstract "Two Ethical Requirements for the Social Acceptance of Intelligent Vehicle Applications".
[N44] November 6 - 8, 2022: IO 2022. The XXII Congress of the Portuguese Association of Operations Research. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the poster "Manipulating the Maximum Travel Welfare in Dial-a-Ride Problems".
[N43] October 28, 2022: Faculty member. Martin Aleksandrov becomes a deputy member of the Joint Commission Data Science at FU Berlin.
[N42] October 20, 2022: ASOR 2022. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the seminar talk "Operations Research Methods for computer science research and applications" by Prof. Sardar Islam (Victoria University).
[N40] October 13, 2022: ASOR 2022. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the seminar talk "Problem reduction based on machine learning for combinatorial optimization" by Dr. Yuan Sun (School of Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne).
[N38] October 8 - 12, 2022: IEEE ITSC 2022. The 25th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Macau, China. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N37] October 6, 2022: ASOR 2022. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the seminar talk "Using Machine Learning to Improve Public Reporting on U.S. Government Contracts" by Dr. Daniel Reich (US Naval Postgraduate School).
[N36] October 4 - 5, 2022: StuFo 2022. The 7th Nationwide Conference for Student Research. Berlin, Germany. Martin Aleksandrov is the chair of the session "Urbanity".
[N35] October 4 - 5, 2022: StuFo 2022. The 7th Nationwide Conference for Student Research. Berlin, Germany. Five of my students, Giulia Grasso, Shally Jain, Tobias Labarta, Phan Anh Le, and Mufan Wang present results developed as part of my research-based learning course "How to Model and Solve Challenges for Future Mobility Applications?" supported by the Berlin University Alliance.
[N34] October 4 - 5, 2022: StuFo 2022. The 7th Nationwide Conference for Student Research. Berlin, Germany. Giulia Grasso is the author of the abstract "Minimizing the response time of support units after earthquakes: prediction and assignment".
[N33] October 4 - 5, 2022: StuFo 2022. The 7th Conference for Student Research. Berlin, Germany. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N32] September 29, 2022: ASOR 2022. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the seminar talk "An application of exploratory modeling and analysis in defence resource planning and asset management under deep uncertainty" by Dr. Sanath Kahagalage (Capability Systems Centre, UNSW Canberra).
[N31] September 28, 2022: IEEE Free Webinar Series. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the webinar "Authorship and Open Access Symposium: Tips and Best Practices to Get Published from IEEE Editors" as a member of IEEE and ITSS.
[N30] September 26, 2022: TRA 2022: Webinar 4. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the webinar "TRA2022 Conference Highlights".
[N29] September 19 - 23, 2022: KI 2022. The 45th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Trier, Germany. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N28] September 15, 2022: ASOR 2022. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the seminar talk "Managing wildfire risk for agricultural and horticultural regions" by Simon Dunstall (CSIRO).
[N27] September 7 - 8, 2022: FMS 2022. The Future Mobility Summit. Berlin, Germany. Martin Aleksandrov is a young mobility changer.
[N26] September 6 - 9, 2022: OR 2022. The annual international conference of the Operations Research Society of Germany (GOR e.V.). Karlsruhe, Germany. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the paper "Manipulating Waiting-Plus-Detour-Time Mechanisms for Pickup and Delivery Problems".
[N25] September 6 - 9, 2022: OR 2022. The annual international conference of the Operations Research Society of Germany (GOR e.V.). Karlsruhe, Germany. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the abstract "Manipulating Waiting-Plus-Detour-Time Mechanisms for Pickup and Delivery Problems".
[N24] August 31 - September 2, 2022: EPIA 2022. The 21st EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Lisbon, Portugal. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the paper "Envy Freeness Up To One Item: Shall We Duplicate or Remove Resources?".
[N23] August 31 - September 2, 2022: EPIA 2022. The 21st EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Lisbon, Portugal. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the paper "Driver Equitability and Customer Optimality in Intelligent Vehicle Applications".
[N22] August 11, 2022: Frontiers of Psychology. Martin Aleksandrov receives an acknowledgement from Prof. Dr. Andrea Vestrucci in his paper "Deontic-doxastic belief revision and linear system model.".
[N21] August 1 - 3, 2022: AIES 2022. The 5th AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society. Oxford, UK. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the paper "Dynamic Fleet Management and Household Feedback for Garbage Collection".
[N20] August 1 - 3, 2022: AIES 2022. The 5th AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society. Oxford, UK. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N19] July 24 - 29, 2022: WCTR 2022. The Virtual World Conference on Transport Research. Martin Aleksandrov participates as a member of the society.
[N18] July 23 - 29, 2022: IJCAI-ECAI 2022. The 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Vienna, Austria. Martin Aleksandrov is a certified emergency member of the program committee.
[N16] July 7 - July 8, 2022: Martin Aleksandrov participates in the event "Academics in the Public Sphere: Navigating the Political" through The Oxford/Berlin Research Partnership.
[N15] July 5 - August 5, 2022: the PhD candidate Tomasz Sosnowski is visiting our team from the research group of Mobile Multimedia Information Systems, Rostock, Germany, a collaboration with Prof. Thomas Kirste and Dr. Kristina Yordanova.
[N10] June 5 - 9, 2022: IEEE IV 2022. The 33rd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Aachen, Germany. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the paper "Fair Division meets Vehicle Routing: Fairness for Drivers with Monotone Profits".
[N9] June 5 - 9, 2022: IEEE IV 2022. The 33rd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Aachen, Germany. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N8] May 26, 2022: Lawgorithm 2022. The Seminar on AI, Ethics and Law. Sao Paolo, Brazil. Martin Aleksandrov is a certified participant.
[N7] May 19, 2022: TRA 2022: Webinar 3. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the webinar "Talking 360º Transport with TRA2022".
[N6] May 16, 2022: ASOR 2022. Martin Aleksandrov participates in the Annual General Meeting of the Australian Society for Operations Research (ASOR).
[N5] April 20 - May 25, 2022: Digital Undergraduate Research. Martin Aleksandrov receives a certificate in didactics from the European Network for Digital Undergraduate Research (digiUR).
[N4] March 21 - 23, 2022: AAAI 2022. The AAAI 2022 Spring Symposium "How Fair Is Fair? Achieving Wellbeing AI.". Stanford, USA. Martin Aleksandrov is the winner of the Special Paper Award for his technical report "Fairness for Drivers with Additive Profits in Emerging Vehicle Routing Problems".
[N3] March 7 - 9, 2022: OPTIMA 2021. The XIV Chilean conference on Operations Research. Talca, Chile. Martin Aleksandrov is the author of the paper "On the Fairness and Efficiency in Emerging Vehicle Routing Problems".
[N2] February 22 - March 1, 2022: AAAI 2022. The 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[N1] February 24 - 26, 2022: IAAI 2022. The 34th Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Martin Aleksandrov is a member of the program committee.
[C33] Explaining Artificial Neural Networks. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Proceedings of International Conference on Business and Artificial Intelligence Technologies (ICBAIT-24), 25th - 26th April 2024, Berlin, Germany, 2024 (BIB, URL) (to appear).
[J3] Reducing Possible Harassment during Taxi Rides by Achieving Safety and Stability. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Transport Research Procedia Journal, TRA 2024, April 15-18, 2024, Dublin, Ireland, 2024, Elsevier (BIB, URL) (to appear).
[A6] Reducing Possible Harassment during Taxi Rides by Achieving Safety and Stability. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. Abstract accepted at the Transport Research Arena 2024, TRA 2024, April 15-18, 2024, Dublin, Ireland, 2024 (PDF, URL).
[C32] Limiting Inequalities in Repeated House and Task Allocation. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Proceedings of the 36th AJCAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AJCAI 2023, Brisbane, Australia, November 28- December 1, 2023, Eds: Liu, T., Webb, G., Yue, L., Wang, D. for AI 2023: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. AI 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14472, pages 338-349, Springer, Singapore (BIB, URL).
[P6] Investigating Demand Predictors for Microtransit Services: Insights from Public Transport Users in Berlin. Venura Dissanayake and Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. Poster presented at the 8th German Conference for Student Research 2023, Stufo 2023, September 28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany, 2023 (PDF, URL).
[A5] Investigating Demand Predictors for Microtransit Services: Insights from Public Transport Users in Berlin. Venura Dissanayake and Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. Abstract accepted at the 8th German Conference for Student Research 2023, Stufo 2023, September 28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany, 2023 (PDF, URL).
[C31] TReR: A Lightweight Transformer Re-Ranking Approach for 3D LiDAR Place Recognition. Tiago Barros, Luis Garrote, Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov, Cristiano Premebida, Urbano J. Nunes. ITSC 2023, 24-28 September 2023, Bilbao, Spain (BIB, URL).
[C30] Safety, Stability, and Efficiency of Taxi Rides. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov and Tobias Labarta. In Proceedings of the 22nd EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2023, Portugal, September 5-8, 2023, Proceedings, Eds. by Nuno Moniz, Zita Vale, José Cascalho, Catarina Silva, Raquel Sebastião. Springer Nature, 2023, pages 401-412 (BIB, URL).
[J2] Fairness and Efficiency in Social Vehicle Routing Problems. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Transport Research Procedia Journal 2025, WCTR 2023, July 17-21, 2023, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2023, Elsevier, volume 82, pages 1994-2013 (BIB, URL).
[C29] Limiting Inequalities in Fair Division with Additive Value Preferences for Indivisible Social Items. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Proceedings of the AAAI 2023 Spring Symposium, March 27-29, 2023, San Francisco, California, USA, 2023, CEUR-WS, Vol-3527, pages 32-39 (BIB, URL).
[C28] Fuel Efficiency of Garbage Truck Navigation. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov and Khaled Alomari. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things, IEEE GCAIoT 2022, Alamein New City, Egypt, December 18-21, 2022. IEEE Xplore. 2022 (BIB, URL).
[C27] Efficiency and Truthfulness in Dial-a-Ride Problems with Customer Location Preferences. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov and Philip Kilby. In Proceedings of the 35th AJCAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AJCAI 2022, Perth, Western Australia, December 5-8, 2022, Proceedings, Eds. By Aziz, H., Corrêa, D., French, T., Wei Liu, and Abdul Sattar. LNCS 13728. Springer, 2022, pages 690-703 (BIB, URL).
[J1] Intelligent Household Waste Management: A Path to Climate-Neutral Europe. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Transport Research Procedia Journal, TRA 2022, November 14-17, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, 2022, Elsevier, pages 93-100 (BIB, URL).
[A4] Intelligent Household Waste Management: A Path to Climate-Neutral Europe. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. Abstract accepted at the Transport Research Arena 2022, TRA 2022, November 14-17, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, 2022 (PDF, URL).
[A3] Two Ethical Requirements for the Social Acceptance of Intelligent Vehicle Applications. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Book of Abstracts of the 13th Triennial International Conference of the Association of Asia Pacific Operational Research Societies, APORS 2022, November 9-12, 2022, Quezon City, Philippines, 2022 (PDF, URL).
[A2] Sexual Harassment Prevention in Taxi Allocations under Gender Preferences. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov and Tobias Labarta. In Book of Abstracts of the 13th Triennial International Conference of the Association of Asia Pacific Operational Research Societies, APORS 2022, November 9-12, 2022, Quezon City, Philippines, 2022 (PDF, URL).
[C26] Manipulating Waiting-Plus-Detour-Time Mechanisms for Pickup and Delivery Problems. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Operations Research, OR 2022, September 6-9, 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany, Eds. by Oliver Grothe, Stefan Nickel, Steffen Rebennack, and Oliver Stein. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2022, pages 443-449 (BIB, URL).
[A1] Manipulating Waiting-Plus-Detour-Time Mechanisms for Pickup and Delivery Problems. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Book of abstracts accepted at the International Conference on Operations Research, OR 2022, September 6-9, 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany (PDF, URL).
[C25] Driver Equitability and Customer Optimality in Intelligent Vehicle Applications. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Proceedings of the 21st EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2022, Portugal, August 31-September 2, 2022, Proceedings, Eds. by Goreti Marreiros, Bruno Martins, Ana Paiva, Bernardete Ribeiro, and Alberto Sardinha. LNCS 13566. Springer, 2022, pages 309-321 (BIB, URL).
[C24] Envy Freeness Up To One Item: Shall We Duplicate or Remove Resources?. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Proceedings of the 21st EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2022, Portugal, August 31-September 2, 2022, Proceedings, Eds. by Goreti Marreiros, Bruno Martins, Ana Paiva, Bernardete Ribeiro, and Alberto Sardinha. LNCS 13566. Springer, 2022, pages 727-738 (BIB, URL).
[C23] Dynamic Fleet Management and Household Feedback for Garbage Collection. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (AIES '22), August 1-3, 2022, Oxford, United Kingdom, pages 36-45. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. Virtual Event (BIB, URL).
[C22] Fair Division meets Vehicle Routing: Fairness for Drivers with Monotone Profits. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In: The 33rd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV22, June 5-9, 2022. Aachen, Germany, pages 915-920. IEEE Xplore (BIB, URL).
[C21] Fairness for Drivers with Additive Profits in Emerging Vehicle Routing Problems. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Proceedings of the AAAI 2022 Spring Symposium, March 21-23, 2022, Palo Alto, California, USA, 2022, Special Paper Award (BIB, URL).
[C20] On the Fairness and Efficiency in Emerging Vehicle Routing Problems. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Proceedings of the XIV Chilean Conference on Operations Research, OPTIMA 2021, March 7-9, 2022, Talca, Chile, 2022 (BIB, URL).
[C19] Intelligent Household Waste Collection. Martin Damyanov Aleksandrov. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys '21), November 17–18, 2021, Coimbra, Portugal. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pages 298–301 (BIB, URL).
[C18] Minimal-envy Conference Paper Assignment: Formulation and a Fast Iterative Algorithm. Martin Aleksandrov, Mao Tan, Zhuocen Dai, Yuling Ren, and Toby Walsh. In Proceedings of the 5th Asian Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (ACAIT 2021), October 29–31, 2021, Haikou, China, pages 667-674. IEEE Xplore, Best Paper Award (BIB, URL).
[C17] Minimising Fleet Times in Multi-Depot Pickup and Dropoff Problems. M. Aleksandrov. In: Progress in Artificial Intelligence, In Proceedings of the 20th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2021, Portugal, September 7-9, 2021, Proceedings, Eds. by Goreti Marreiros, Francisco Melo, Nuno Lau, Henrique Lopes Cardoso, and Luís Paulo Reis. LNAI 12981. Springer, 2021, pages 1-12 (BIB, URL).
[C16] Fleet Fairness and Fleet Efficiency in Capacitated Pickup and Delivery Problems. M. D. Aleksandrov. In Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV21, July 11-17, 2021. Nagoya, Japan, pages 1156-1161. IEEE Xplore (BIB, URL).